
Apigenin- 10% ~ 50mg / capsule


Sulforaphane is a natural plant compound derived from cruciferous
vegetables, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
It is known for its antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory
properties. The benefits to the human body are many It is the most
anti-cancer substance found in nature, but the best sulforaphane is not
extracted from the mature plant of broccoli but from its seeds and
seedlings, and its content is 100 times that of mature plants.





Sulforaphane's healthy effects


• Supports heart function

• Improves brain function

• Helps the body create anti-cancer compounds

• Strong anti-inflammatory and curcumin additive effect can reduce pain

• Anti-aging

• Elimination of fat promotes weight loss

• Promotes detoxification

• Reverse hair loss

• With glutathione as the activator of Nrf2
   ( Nrf2 known as the guardian of health Longevity leader can activate more than 500 genes and protect cells ).


Sulforaphane can pass through the blood-brain barrier and have a therapeutic effect on stroke trauma, brain injury, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, and can prevent neurodegenerative diseases and help remove harmful bacteria from the lungs. (Published in the Journal of Scientific Translational Medicine)