
Apigenin- 98% purity ~ 75mg / capsule


Apigenin is a bioflavonoid compound (especially flavonoids) can bind to about 160 proteins
in the body, found in a variety of plants and herbs. It is very abundant in chamomile tea and
plays an anxiety-reducing role when consumed in high doses. It can also be considered a sedative.
Apigenin is also a very potent anti-cancer compound that is highly selective for cancer cells,
thus beneficial for the prevention of a wide variety of cancers.

Pterostilbene's healthy effects


• Balance CD38

• Prevention of osteoporosis

• Protects the cardiovascular system and suppresses thrombosis

• Can reverse cancer cells reduces the chance of cancer by 1/4

• Stabilizes nerves to eliminate irritability

• Relax blood vessels to lower blood pressure



Apigenin pairing with Hi 7 formula its main role is as an inhibitor of CD38,
because when taking NMN to raise our NAD+ level, it will be triggered by CD38 in the body,
and consume a lot of NAD+, so Hi 7 Formula is specially paired with apigenin to avoid
excessive consumption of NAD+ by CD38.

Apigenin selected for Hi 7 formula is extracted from chamomile with a purity of 98%.